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Configure the private transaction manager

You can configure a connection to the private transaction manager and enable private transactions using any of the following methods.


To run a GoQuorum node without a private transaction manager, set the PRIVATE_CONFIG environment variable to ignore. Ensure there is no transaction manager running for the node. The node won't broadcast matching private keys and won't be able to participate in any private transactions.

Direct IPC connection configuration

You can set the PRIVATE_CONFIG environment variable to the path to the .ipc socket file created by the private transaction manager. Use this method if you want to use an IPC socket for the connection with default timeout values.

export PRIVATE_CONFIG=path/to/tm.ipc

Using a connection configuration file

You can set the PRIVATE_CONFIG environment variable to the path to a TOML configuration file that specifies the private transaction manager connection. Using a configuration file allows you to specify more options for the connection to the transaction manager.

export PRIVATE_CONFIG=path/to/connection-config-file.toml

The configuration file can specify:

IPC socket connection


A configuration file is only necessary for an IPC socket connection if you need to change the timeout values from their default values. Otherwise, direct IPC connection configuration is simpler.

An IPC socket configuration file has the following parameters.

  • socket - .ipc socket file created by the private transaction manager.
  • workdir - Path to the working directory of the IPC file.
  • timeout - (optional) Timeout when sending messages, in seconds. Setting to 0 disables the timeout. The default is 5 seconds. You can increase this value if transaction manager responses are too slow.
  • dialTimeout - (optional) Timeout for connecting to the socket, in seconds. The default is 1 second.
socket = "tm.ipc"
workdir = "path/to/ipc/file"
timeout = 5
dialTimeout = 1

HTTP connection


This should only be used for development purposes, due to a lack of security on the connection. For production environments, you should enable TLS on the connection.

An HTTP configuration file has the following parameters.

  • httpUrl - URL of the HTTP connection.
  • timeout - (optional) Timeout when sending messages, in seconds. Setting to 0 disables the timeout. The default is 5 seconds.
  • writeBufferSize - (optional) Size of the write buffer, in bytes. Setting to 0 or not specifying uses the http.Transport default.
  • readBufferSize - (optional) Size of the read buffer, in bytes. Setting to 0 or not specifying uses the http.Transport default.
httpUrl = "HTTP://"
timeout = 5
httpWriteBufferSize = 4096
httpReadBufferSize = 4096

HTTP connection using TLS

An HTTP configuration file using TLS has the following parameters.

  • httpUrl - URL of the HTTPS connection. Make sure to use an https URL.
  • tlsMode - Set to STRICT to enable TLS encryption over the connection.
  • tlsRootCA - Any combination of comma separated files or directories containing root CA certificates. The default is the host's certificates.
  • tlsClientCert - Path to the file containing the client certificate.
  • tlsClientKey - Path to the file containing the client certificate private key.
  • timeout - (optional) Timeout when sending messages, in seconds. Setting to 0 disables the timeout. The default is 5 seconds.
  • httpIdleConnTimeout - (optional) Idle timeout in seconds. Setting to 0 disables the timeout. The default is 10 seconds.
  • writeBufferSize - (optional) Size of the write buffer, in bytes. Setting to 0 or not specifying uses the http.Transport default.
  • readBufferSize - (optional) Size of the read buffer, in bytes. Setting to 0 or not specifying uses the http.Transport default.
httpUrl = "HTTPS://"
tlsMode = "STRICT"
tlsRootCA = "/path/to/ca-root.cert.pem"
tlsClientCert = "/path/to/client-ca-chain.cert.pem"
tlsClientKey = "/path/to/client.key.pem"
timeout = 5
httpIdleConnTimeout = 10
httpWriteBufferSize = 4096
httpReadBufferSize = 4096

Using command line options

Use --ptm.* command line options to specify the private transaction manager connection. These can be used in conjunction with the previous methods, in which case the command line options override any others.

IPC socket connection

Specify the path to the IPC socket file using --ptm.socket.

geth <other parameters> --ptm.socket qdata/c1/tm.ipc

HTTP connection


This should only be used for development purposes, due to a lack of security on the connection. For production environments, you should enable TLS on the connection.

Specify the HTTP URL of the private transaction manager connection using --ptm.url.

geth <other parameters> --ptm.url ""

HTTP connection using TLS

HTTP using TLS requires:

Example TLS connection
geth <other parameters> \
--ptm.url "" \
--ptm.tls.mode "strict" \
--ptm.tls.rootca "path/to/certfile.pem,dir/with/cert/files/" \
--ptm.tls.clientcert "path/to/client.cert.pem" \
--ptm.tls.clientkey "path/to/client.key.pem" \